Now introduced Paul van Trigt, hailing from Victoria, BC, Canada, is a multifaceted artist and avant-garde noise musician. He works with analog and mixed media collage, photocopy manipulation, and printmaking to layer, repurpose, and deconstruct elements to build raw and diverse entities again. Drawing inspiration from vintage images found in medical textbooks, military archives, nature, and architecture books, van Trigt explores themes of paranoia, anxiety, and depression, all while reflecting on the larger human experience. The juxtaposition of aesthetically pleasing and clinical imagery with a grainy output of photocopy reflects contemplation between perfection and imperfection.

Van Trigt’s artistic footprint extends to over 100 album covers within experimental and extreme music genres, spanning noise and industrial, metal, and punk. Beyond the realm of music, his work has graced the walls of local galleries and found its way into international zines, showcasing the global resonance of his creative endeavors.

Go to Instagram, @p.vantrigt, for more!